Computing at Abbots Hall aims to develop digitally literate pupils who have learnt skills and knowledge to support them for the future learning and work and support them with their future aspirations. We will develop children's computational thinking skills to support them using technology at home and school and to foster curiosity and enjoyment when using different technologies. We will support children to ensure they are responsible users of information technology and develop knowledge of how to deal with online issues.
Computing is taught approximately once a fortnight across Years 1-6. Teachers use units from KAPOW scheme of learning to teach the computing objectives. The curriculum ensures there is progression across the Key Stages and covers all areas of the curriculum.
Computational thinking is taught alongside programming lessons and has progressive success criteria across the curriculum and year groups. Computational thinking skills are shared with the learning objectives and key vocabulary for each session.
Online Safety has one explicitly taught lesson (using project evolve) each half term and supports children to deal responsibly with any issues they may encounter.
During their time in Abbots Hall, children use a variety of resources and programs to support their learning - beebots, Word, Powerpoint,Scratch Jr, Scratch, imovie, Stop Motion Studio, Excel.
Provision will be made for children who are not working at age related expectations. They could be supported in a variety of ways such as working with adult support, working alongside a peer, using a different piece of technology or software to support them completing their learning etc. Teachers will add scaffolding ideas onto their planning with appropriate ideas for each lesson to support those who are not working at age related expectations.
For children who are working above age related expectations, pupils have the opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in different ways such as explaining clearly their choices within their programming, using more challenging code or tasks and being supported to use subject specific vocabulary to talk about their learning.
After each unit of work, teachers will make a judgement on whether pupils have met, exceeded or are working towards the objectives set. This will also provide information for the subject leader and will be submitted for analysis to track and monitor achievement and progress and the impact that this has had. Evidence of progression and achievement will be seen in examples of pupils’ work. As a result of effective implementation, pupils will be able to apply their skills and knowledge in other areas of learning. Pupils will be able to share their knowledge of how to be a responsible user of technology through discussion when questioned. They will be prepared for the next stage in their lives, knowing how to be a responsible user of technology in the wider world and most importantly, know where to seek support. Pupils will be familiar with and will discuss their understanding of the three main strands (programming, information technology and digital literacy) and will know key vocabulary associated with these. Confidence in this subject will also mean that pupils are able to be more independent and will have developed skills to use in their further education and life.