Active Abbot's PE Home Bags
As a school, we are continuously looking at ways in which we can increase activity levels for our pupils. With the current climate as it is we have been thinking about ways to increase activity levels for all. So, we are very excited to inform you of our new ‘Active Abbot’s PE Home Bags’.
These bags are designed to encourage our pupils and families to stay active at home, to have fun and to be the best you can be! The bags will go home on a Friday and we ask that they are returned on a Monday morning to allow the bag to be quarantined for 72 hours before going out to another home the following Friday. This means your child will have the whole weekend to enjoy the home bag.
In each bag there are four challenges to have a go at. Each challenge card has instructions on what the challenge is and how to do it. On the reverse of each challenge card there are variations to make the challenge easier or harder. We ask that your child have an initial attempt at the challenges (please record this in your child’s yellow log) and then practise the challenge as many times as they like before having a final attempt (again, please record this in your child’s yellow log). Family members are encouraged to take part and enjoy the challenges as well!
Below are some examples of the Active Abbot's PE Home Bag (Year 6 bag)